How to Select the Right Peristaltic Pump Model

Geposted von Golander GmbH am

Peristaltic pumps are composed of three main parts: the drive, the pump head and the peristaltic pump silicone tube. One, therefore, needs to consider each of these three components when choosing the right model.


Revolutions per minute (rpm): The higher the speed of the drive, the higher the flow rate. The rpms of our pumps fall within one of the three ranges: 0.1-150 rpm, 0.1-350 rpm and 0.1-600 rpm. 

Operation and control: Several factors should be considered here, such as speed control (fixed or adjustable speed), flow rate calibration for a more precise flow rate, dispensing requirements, external control and availability of optional accessories. 

Protection level: Dust- and water-proof level of the drive should be taken into consideration when a peristaltic pump is to be used in a specific or challenging environment. 


 Flow rate: This is one of the decisive factors when choosing a peristaltic pump. Different pump heads provide different flow ranges. Based on the required flow rate for an application, one can choose a pump head which meets the flow rate requirement.  

Fluid viscosity: Viscosity refers to the "thickness" of a fluid. The higher the fluid viscosity, the slower the transmission would be. When selecting a peristaltic pump, fluid viscosity must be considered. 

Number of channels: Depending on the requirement of an application, one can choose a single or multi-channel pump head.  

Chemical compatibility: The pump head material should be compatible with the fluid handled in case of a fluid spill. 


Chemical compatibility: As tubing is the main part that is in contact with the fluid transferred, one must check the chemical compatibility with the tubing material. 

Tubing lifespan: To avoid frequent replacement of tubing, one needs to consider the optimal size and life span of tubing to meet the flow requirement. 


Please contact us if you need further assistance. 


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